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Around Australia: Destination, Wilsons Promontory

By Wanderplane

Wilson’s Promontory is a national park in Australia, located in Gippsland (Victoria) to 157 km of Melbourne (southwest), surrounded by beautiful beaches.

A detailed map of Wilsons Promontory, Victoria- Australia

I recommend studying the area well in advance before the visit. The park is really huge and depending on the time you are there carefully choose the sectors they want to visit. I telling you guys because we went 4 people and we didn’t have a plan … So big mistake 🤭

Having your own transport is essential otherwise rent a car. The distances are huge between the beaches and campsites. Previously, also, make a reservation of sites if you are going to camp well in advance, especially if you visit the area during holidays. Australians love to camp, trekking and ripping off the hill as soon as they are given the opportunity. They are also super dry in activity with their super campervans and their tents up on the roof of their cars. It was that surprised me, I did not catch the question of sleeping on top of the car … “literally”. Very freaky for me, although I admit that I would like to try that one day. hahaha!, would die of fear thinking that when I return pass shitting to the floor ??!

… If you have not booked something before, finding a vacant place at the moment can be almost impossible, and therefore fuck the trip.

My experience at Wilson’s lasted two days and one night. Insufficient absolutely. Minimum 3 days and two nights … To be worth it. I imagine that 5 days should be optimal. The sector is full of walks with wonderful views as a final destination. Is it totally worth it 👌🏻

Wilson's Promontory, Melbourne- Australia

Like many parks that I have been getting to know in Australia, you can find all kinds of walks, short and long (20 minutes, 1 hour and up to 5 hours). Most are easy roads, not complicated at all and quite friendly for those who visit, so you do not need to be an expert or bring a sophisticated team when making them. It is enough to carry a backpack with the essentials, plenty of water to hydrate and a sunblock is essential if it is summer since the temperatures can border the 40 – 43 degrees  (a little hot the thing isn’t 😓?)

The road is quite safe, not many curves and almost no animals on the road (we went tomorrow). Remember that the appearance of marsupials depends on the time they are driving on the route, avoid the sunrise and sunset. What do I remember is that we appeared more than a wombat? (already dead, unfortunately) on the way back home, as we returned at dusk.

Already in Wilson’s Prom (as the local people call it), starting the road to Tidal River, the road becomes a little stonier, but without losing stability all good, is nothing to be alarmed.

Road to Tidal River, Victoria- Australia

At the foot of the Tidal River, we realized that not having made a camping reservation was a fatal idea. As we went on a national day holiday, everything was busy and overcrowded, so we started looking for a place to spend the night. The worst option was to sleep inside the car somewhere, but the risk of a forest guard arrives or worse, the police with their penalty … 👮🏻‍♀️ No, thank u! … Magically, a campsite appeared from nowhere. He emphasized “magically”, because it suddenly appeared, there was no one there, but nobody. No people, no tents, no forests, only killer ants 🐜😱 … almost 2 cm long, yeah trust me! Believe me! they bite like the devil (option: shoes that cover the entire foot … up to the knee!).

The campsite was called “The Stockyards” and has enough space for many tents, with numbering for each one, hot shower – clean, bathrooms for men and women – clean, tables for eating – clean, garbage cans and even a barbecue. Wonderful, isn’t? Already installed there, we prepare a ‘completo’ (very Chilean food☺️ )… While we were eating, a little more people came to the campsite and even socialized with a couple of Germans who were visiting Australia. It was very entertaining that, is that it is the most entertaining of travel … Meet people from other countries who share your love of travelling, knowing, entering the unknown. It is like an injection of energy to the body to which many of us are addicted. A marvel!

Everything was going great and you worked until a giant spider appeared on the table where we ate #wtf!

Honestly, I do not have a big fear of these bugs, so we run away, of curse!

We could not rest at that table again! Nah ‘what to do and to sleep. According to me, kangaroos and wombats moved the tent … it was not a very quiet night, besides there was a lot of wind, but it was not that bad either. Only I was afraid that big spider comes back for us.

The spider!

Very early the next morning we start the trip to the Tidal River. With a single day to travel the area had to be fast and efficient. The first beach we came to was “Norman Beach”. 

Norman's Beach, Wilson's Prom, Victoria- Australia

Norman Beach is a super open beach surrounded by high hills and rocks of thick stone, it seems that by far you can see the rocks strategically designed to make them look good. It is white sand and the sea is in the distance, suuuper away. Norman Beach has several trekking circuits (long and short) all overlooking the sea, the farther you get the more beautiful you see everything down. Recommended absolutely see the sea in the distance is beautiful ☺️

Picnic Bay, Wilson's Prom. Victoria- Australia

Picnic Bay” was the second beach we visited. This is next to “Norman”. It also turns out to be a white sand beach and quite open, only smaller than the first one. The circuit between both beaches is very short (only 1.6 km between them). We had that beach for us. There was no one 🙃

Squeaky Beach, Wilson's Prom, Victoria- Australia

Squeaky Beach, I think it’s the biggest of all, it’s so full of people, I do not know if it was for the time, for the day, for the moment … no idea, similar to the above mentioned, but to me here the sand is white, it sounds strange when walking over it I do not know, it caught my attention. It’s an indescribable sound near the sea, are deposited big reddish rocks of many years ago, the things that I liked the most and caught my attention.

Squeaky Beach, Wilson's Prom, Victoria- Australia

Finally, we ended up in “Whiskey Bay” a really small beach. Here the hills eat it (gives the sensation that is not open like the rest) is surrounded on all sides. Totally enclosed, at least that’s how I felt in her. A rocky section is striking on the left side of the beach since between them a rock with the shape of a giant thumb protrudes. It is impossible not to notice it. It’s what everyone talks on the beach while they take pictures 📷

Whisky Bay, Wilson's Prom, Victoria, Australia

Wilson’s Prom beaches are super nice. I had the pleasure of doing a semi-tour at the beginning of autumn, I imagine that in summer it should be full of people and tourists, mainly. The beaches to be so open (except the last), tend to be super windy. I imagine that the water must be cold since it is open sea. It predominates that kind of perfect beaches to nap after lunch, wonderful. Those that only hear the sea and almost nothing else.

The return was very about the sunset. Very risky for the animals and we almost ran out of fuel … We found nothing. It was all closed. We imagine the worst. That does not happen to them, beware of that, I do not tell them to add it to each gas station, but I would not go to the limit. We found one before it was too late (he already saw us pushing the car, calling – I do not know who – for the rescue). Finally, we save ourselves and celebrate taking ice cream almost doing “cheers”?

Wilson’s Prom is a must-see destination and having several days to explore it is essential. Alone or with friends is safe, quiet and beautiful. Absolutely recommended.

For more photos of the trip and inspiration see my Instagram

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1 commentaire

Recipe Tom
Recipe Tom
18 sept. 2021

I enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing.

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